Monday, November 19, 2007


So, if anyone still visits this blog anymore (which I kind of doubt, since it has been ages since my last post), please note that I have decided to flip back to my original blog, "Musings from Aunt TT". I am hoping to do a better job at keeping that one updated, and now that I actually own a digital camera, it should also be easier for me to add photos. Woo-hoo!

Come join me at

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Today feels like it has been 572 hours long. Of course, that may be because the air conditioning in the old house is broken, so I have basically been sitting in a computer-equipped sauna for the last couple of hours. To quote someone I used to know...Sweet!

So, I will pretty much let this quote speak for itself...

"Share your M&M's. There are bags and bags of them all over the place. If you give someone one of yours, even one of the green ones, you will not be lacking. Honest Injun. Now apply this to Time, Concern, Touch, Interest, and Being Vulnerable." -Hugh Elliott

Share your M&M's...and all of the other good things in your life. Truly, you will be richer.

And now, I am going home, because I am afraid that if I continue to sweat on my keyboard, it will stop working, or I will electrocute myself...

Friday, May 04, 2007

Think...and know

It's bonus get two quotes!

"If you think you can win, you can win. Faith is necessary to victory." -William Hazlitt

"A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory." -Arthur Golden

When I was little, one of my favorite books was The Little Engine that Could. There was just something so inspiring about that little blue engine, pulling with all his might to get up the mountain, chanting "I think I can, I think I can" to keep himself encouraged. I would get so excited about his success when he reached the top, that I would run around squealing "I think I can, I think I can...I did!" in my high-pitched 5-year-old voice.

Now that I am older, I prefer the version "I know I can, I know I can" and I still say this over and over in my head sometimes when I face a challenge. You will be facing your opponent on the field in about 2 hours, and I want you to go ahead and start thinking "I know we can win, I know we can win...I know".

Get yourselves pumped up for this game, and I will see you at 2!

truly great

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." -Mark Twain

I chose this quote today, because I know that last year, there were some people who tried to belittle our accomplishments as a lacrosse team. So, if there is anyone who is trying to rain on your parade, just shove your umbrella up their nose (I thought about using another orifice there, but I try to keep these quote emails PG-rated).

You are great. And don't let anyone else tell you differently.

one step more

So, Carell reminded me the other day that I have been remiss in my quotes this year, and I am truly sorry that I have been such a flake about them. I have actually been really busy with work this year (honest!), so it has caused me to neglect my duties as quote-meister. But, in honor of the fact that the girls' lacrosse team is playing in a state tournament play-off game this Friday, I am going to send inspiring quotes every day for as long as we continue in the tournament. Go Tigers! (Although really, isn't a female a Tigress? So a girls' team would be Tigresses? I digress...)

"I've always tried to go a step past wherever people expected me to end up." --Beverly Sills

Exceeding expectations. Who knows how people expected our lacrosse team to do this year, since we are facing more difficult opponents? Maybe they didn't expect us to make it this far, but we did. Now, we have a game against Father Ryan, who narrowly beat us in overtime the last time we played them. As, I recall they were a very cocky (and rather obnoxious) team, and they didn't seem to expect that we would be much of a challenge. This Friday, we will challenge them, and we will challenge ourselves.

You always hear the phrase, "go the extra mile"...well, I am saying, focus on going the extra step. That's all it step farther, one step faster, one step ahead. Go past where people expect you to end up. And when we step past Father Ryan this Friday, we will step on into the next round of the tournament.

So, step up. And get ready for this game on Friday (I may be driving one of the short buses, so that gives you enough reason to get excited right there!)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

just squeeze it

I love casual days. I mean honestly, when you are wearing flip-flops at work, how bad can life be?

Today, one of the women I work with came in wearing a t-shirt that said "Squeeze the day," along with a cute graphic of a person hugging a large heart. I liked it, and it inspired me to choose this quote:

"Today is the day in which to express your noblest qualities of mind and heart, to do at least one worthy thing which you have long postponed." -Grenville Kleiser

Squeeze the day. And have a great one.

Monday, March 05, 2007


"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

As you face exams, you know what you are capable of doing...regardless of the grades you have made in the past, you have infinite potential to excel this week. Don't let any past disappointments define you, don't even let the expectations of your parents or teachers limit you...go out there and give it your best!

Friday, March 02, 2007

this day

"It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis." - Margaret Bonnano(not to be confused with Bonnaroo)

For some reason, when I read this quote, I hear a line from the chorus of that old hymn running through my head..."One day at a tiiiiiiime...sweet Jesus."

But it's true, if we start trying to tackle too many days at once...when we begin to worry about things that might happen tomorrow or the next day or two months down the road, that's when we become overwhelmed, and it keeps us from enjoying the beauty of today. If we let ourselves be weighed down by the worries or uncertainties of tomorrow, we will certainly miss out on the happiness that is possible by simply living this day to the fullest.

Have a happy day.

And then, once you make it past today, have a wonderful weekend.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

New addition

It has been forever since I posted, so I thought a good update would be a picture of the newest addition to my family. Introducing Tucker, the 10 month old beagle-pointer mix who has taken over my life. He is cute, and he is a mess. He already knows how to sit, lay down, and stay (for the most part, unless something distracts him). Now, if I could just get him to stop eating his own poop...